目前分類:西洋福音音樂中英歌詞和絃 (28)

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Matt Redman  with Chris Tomlin 

Matt  和 Chris Tomlin現場一同主領敬拜,中青兩代的敬拜恩膏如此和諧,


Worthy, You are Worthy  (Chords and Words)


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Holy And Anointed One聖潔受膏主 by Skillet 

前幾年還在美國Kansas CityIHOP晃啊晃時,常常晚上有時差睡不著,跑去IHOP聽歌,(甚至不能算是敬拜)半夜一兩點那個時段,有位敬拜女歌手,常常只彈吉他, 也沒有其他鼓手只有她一個人在敬拜, 她當時蠻喜歡唱這首歌, 或是MATT REDMAN寫的Come to the mountain, 這種不插電的木吉他敬拜,成為當時的背景配樂, 現在想想蠻懷念那段日子的!

本來蠻想找到Kim Hill的版本,前幾天剛好在all worship.com電台聽到,超級震撼!不過沒找到任何影音上傳資料! 倒是這位牧者的格子把她當作背景樂, 想聽一下這樣渾厚磁性的女聲敬拜,可以去聽聽!


中譯歌詞呢,是小姐我臨時翻的, 我的吉他彈得很破, 不過中文歌詞應能對上和絃唱唱看!

本演唱版本: Skillet (from: Ardent Worship)

Holy And Anointed One Chords by Vineyard

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這首葡萄園音樂的代表作, 反而最常聽到的版本是被SONICFLOOdJeff Deyo 唱紅的搖滾版本,(有機會再分享) 現在回味一下葡萄園原作者的版本也不錯!


In The Secret(I want to know you)


Words and Music by Andy Park

G C2

In the secret, in the quiet place,

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你豈不曾知道麼、你豈不曾聽見麼、永在的 神耶和華、創造地極的主、並不疲乏、也不困倦‧他的智慧無法測度。疲乏的、他賜能力‧弱的、他加力量‧就是少年人也要疲乏困倦、強壯的也必全然跌倒‧但那等候耶和華的、必從新得力、他們必如鷹展翅上騰、他們奔跑卻不困倦、行走卻不疲乏。




Everlasting God



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How Great is Our God 拿下39thGMA金鴿獎年度最佳敬拜歌曲


真是連續幾年蟬聯北美教會敬拜排行的歌曲!歷久不衰啊! (當然是指那些會在主日敬拜時唱當代福音歌曲的教會而言啦!) 難怪連商業導向的GMA金鴿大獎又頒給這首歌了!

Christ Tomlin的版本大家可能很熟了!這裡貼的Matt RedmanChrist Tomlin的現場版本, 我猜是選自livePassion 2007!(聽現場的感覺)…

不過我自己沒有這張專輯, 只在網路上看過!

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He Is Exalted  by TWILA PARIS(Live) 現場版






Written by TWILA PARIS

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Beautiful One美麗良人(榮美的神)


Beautiful One美麗良人(榮美的神)
詞曲: Tim Hughes / IHOP來台特會譯詞
 Capo  [intro]   G | A | Bm | A/C# | G | A | D | D 
1. G              A              D/F#
Wonderful so wonderful is Your unfailing love

多美好  真是美好   祢愛永不止息

  G                 A        Bm7
Your cross has spoken mercy over me
    G               A                 D/F#
No eye has seen no ear has heard        No heart could fully know
眼未曾見 耳未曾聽                     人心未曾想過  
G             A           D
How glorious how beautiful You are

何等榮耀 祢是何等美好

(chorus) (副歌)

   G      A              G      A               G      A         D
Beautiful One I love You    Beautiful One I adore     Beautiful One my soul must sing
美麗良人我愛祢           美麗良人我愛慕          美麗良人我靈歌唱
    G                 A          Bm               A/C#
My soul my soul must sing       My soul my soul must sing
我靈我靈歌唱            我靈我靈歌唱
     G                A          D
My soul my soul must sing       Beautiful One

我靈我靈歌唱             美麗良人

Powerful, so powerful Your glory fills the skies  Your mighty works displayed for all to see
The beauty of Your majesty awakes my heart to sing
How marvelous how wonderful You are

2. 大有能力 滿有能力  祢榮耀在天際  

大能話語開我雙眼看見  祢的榮美喚醒我心歌唱   何等驚奇 祢是奇妙的主

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你是我的一切  You are my all in all


Written by Dennis Jernigan , 1991

G            D             Em

You are my strength when I am weak


            G          C

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Let My Words Be Few 歌詞 Matt Redman原音




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You Never Let Go by Matt Redman歌詞和絃+原音


沒辦法,實在Youtube找翻了只能找到這個原音演唱音質算是最ok的了! 有機會我們再次想辦法上傳較好版本吧!其實在線上影音分享世代,竭誠希望大家去買原版CD! Matt雖然沒有巨星般光環,但是真是被神恩膏的一位謙卑敬拜領袖,我超愛這首歌,雖然我吉他彈得超破,還是躍躍欲試地想學這首歌! 這是一首低谷的生命之歌,Matt這樣經歷種種生命無解的破碎打擊而奏出的深度敬拜! You Never Let Go 獻給陪我們一同走過低谷的耶穌!




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Nothing But The Blood 唯獨寶血 By Matt Redman

MV現場敬拜: (暫時先選非英語字幕版,有機會再更新...)

其實在線上影音分享世代,竭誠希望大家去買原版dvd!這張dvd看過多次,Matt主領超有神同在的一場敬拜, 只是每次要向英國訂貨都等船期(但好心的代理商都沒有收我們運費呢),我覺得非常值得,手邊的已經送給遠方更需要的朋友,我還想再度收藏一次!


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Glory In The Highest 歌詞和絃+ Chris Tomlin主領敬拜(Passion 2007)


Glory in the Highest
Verse 1
C                   G/B
   You are the first   You go before
Am7                 F
   You are the last  Lord, You're the encore
C                       G/B
   Your name's in lights   for all to see
Am7                F
   The starry host  declare Your glory
             Fmaj7      G
Glory in the highest
             Am7        G
Glory in the highest
             Dm7     C/E  F
Glory in the highest
Verse 2:
C                 G/B
   Apart from You     there is no God
Am7                   F
   Light of the world  The Bright and Morning Star
C                      G/B
   Your name will shine   for all to see
Am7                         F
   You are the one  You are my glory
G                 Am7                 F
   And no one else  could ever compare   to You, Lord
G                   Am7                     F
   All the earth  together declare:
             C       F
Glory in the  highest 
             C       F
Glory in the  highest
             C       F
Glory in the  highest
            C            F
To You Lord,  to You Lord
(Over the ending)
All the earth will sing Your praise
The moon and stars, the sun and rain
Every nation will proclaim
That You are God and You will ransom
Glory, glory hallelujah
Glory, glory to You, Lord
Glory, glory to hallelujah,  hallelujah


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Michael W. Smith-Healing Rain


(這個版本暫時放非英語字幕版本,有機會再更新! MV還頗有深意 Michael唱風也改變許多...)

Healing Rain – Michael W. Smith

Capo 1

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Awesome God 中英歌詞和絃  

Written by: Rich Mullins                          中譯: Diana


(MV選自Michael W. Smith - Worship 2002 DVD)


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David Crowder Band, O Praise Him



(CAPO 3)



G                Dsus/F#             C2

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Happy day      by Tim Hughes 現場敬拜MV



Happy day      by Tim Hughes


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線上收看Chris Tomlin 2003Passions  in Texas特會的現場演出敬拜!





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Blessed be Your Name 稱頌主聖名


2002 Kingsway's Thankyou Music  

Written by Beth Redman & Matt Redman   translation by Sunny

(capo 2)

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You Raised Me Up - Selah


(本MV收錄於WOW 2005 DVD中 )

You Raise Me Up
Words and Music by: Brendon Joseph Graham, Rolf U. Loevland

When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,

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I Could Sing of Your Love Forever
我要歌唱祢愛到永遠by Martin Smith吉他教學+中英和絃

Words and Music by Martin Smith


E                           F#m

  Over the mountains and the sea



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