Behind the Veil: Heaven Touching Earth in Worship
Rev 4:1 - After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, ‘Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.’
My goal in worship is to get behind the veil. My passion is His presence. His presence is manna that must be sought after and received every single day or it becomes stale. There is one thing that God cannot deny - hunger for Him.
How hungry are you? Are you willing to passionately press through into His presence? Beloved, He must first deal with your heart. One key to unlock worship is first asking the Lord if there is anything hindering us in our heart. As I work through stripping off all sin and self before the Lord, it is as though I trade in my rags for His robes of righteousness. Then, He can begin to give you His heart, His purposes, His love for you and His people.
During worship there is so much activity happening in the supernatural. It is when the creative presence of the Lord God touches His people. Some people see pictures, hear Scriptures, get a word of knowledge, or hear His voice. All of it is valid, real and scriptural. But, what does worship really do?
Worship moves the very heart of God and changes the very heart of man. It takes only a few seconds of a face-to-face encounter with the manifest presence of God to change the course of human history for you, your city, or your nation.