目前分類:當代福音音樂 (28)

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2011-10-19 置頂 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman (124) (0)
2009-07-26 置頂 (2009 Live)Happy day IN LONDON by Tim Hughes英國倫敦現場敬拜 (161) (4)
2009-12-14 "Mighty To Save" by Michael W. Smith (Live) (31) (0)
2009-07-22 Love! Christ Tomlin+原住民的現場敬拜(Live) (39) (0)
2008-08-16 "I STAND IN AWE OF YOU" (2008 Benny Hinn) (44) (1)
2008-05-10 Everlasting永在的神 by SONICFLOOd (為緬甸風災四川震災祈禱) (11) (0)
2008-05-05 2008福音音樂金鴿獎得獎名單39th Annual GMA Dove Awards Winners (35) (0)
2008-03-11 2008最新福音音樂金鴿獎入圍名單39th Annual GMA Dove Awards(Nominees) (12) (0)
2008-02-18 第50屆葛萊美獎福音歌曲得獎公佈,The Clark Sisters拿下3座大獎 (122) (0)
2007-12-25 The Byrds伯茲合唱團1965年冠軍曲"Turn! Turn! Turn!(To Everything There Is A Season)" (138) (4)
2007-12-10 Jason Upton: Teach Me How to Pray 教我如何禱告,現場敬拜MV (25) (0)
2007-12-06 PAUL BALOCHE" WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS耶穌恩友" 超有恩膏版MV (32) (3)
2007-12-06 葡萄園主領Brenton Brwon 班頓布朗/ Everlasting God 不朽的神 現場敬拜 (17) (0)
2007-12-06 Passion2006 Everything Glorious (Live) dvd介紹+現場敬拜) (5) (1)
2007-11-01 Amy Grant*換東家出精選! 葛萊美獎福音天后超強精選+影音雙碟專輯CD+DVD (24) (2)
2007-05-03 2007最新福音音樂金鴿獎得獎名單出爐! 38th Annual GMA Dove Awards - Recipients (9) (2)
2007-04-24 David Crowder Band/碰撞A Collision大衛高德樂團*火力足超勁爆搖滾樂團 (37) (0)
2007-04-24 Recollection:The Best of Nichole Nordeman妮可諾德曼出精選囉 (17) (0)
2007-04-23 Tim Hughes提姆修 Holding Nothing Back (8) (0)
2007-04-23 Matt Redman最新專輯/Beautiful news破碎世界好消息2007/4台灣全新發行 (6) (0)
2007-03-29 24Hr美國堪薩斯市國際禱告殿(IHOP)有中文網頁了說 (169) (0)
2007-01-16 從跳蚤市場檢回來的"聖潔翻滾"45轉黑膠 Kansas City的記憶 (19) (0)
2007-01-04 Tim Huges代表作Here I am to Worship 2003金鴿獎最佳歌曲 (13) (0)
2006-12-26 Blessed be Your name稱頌祢聖名(37th最佳GMA大獎)by Matt Redman (100) (0)
2006-12-24 2006最新專輯 See the morning by Chris Tomlin(收錄AMAZING GRACE) (69) (0)
2006-12-19 Jason Upton/Great River Road活水之路*震撼靈魂深處的錄音 (16) (0)
2006-12-18 Arriving by Chris Tomlin (the 37th 三項GMA大獎專輯) (17) (0)
2006-12-18 Passion: Everything Glorious (Live) (2) (0)