Made To Worship Chris Tomlin
中文譯詞: Philips Chang Intro:
Verse 1:
Before the day, before the light
未有晝夜 或是晨昏
before the world revolved around the sun
God on High, stepped down into time
至高神 降世間入時空
and wrote the story of His Love for everyone
為世人 寫下祂犧牲愛的故事
He has filled our hearts with wonder so that we always remember
祂使我們心充滿奇妙 使我們永遠地記得
you and I are made to worship you and I are called to love
你和我為敬拜而活 你和我為愛被召
you and I are forgiven and free
when you and I embrace surrender
when you and I choose to believe
then you and I will see who we were meant to be
你我將看見 我們生命的意義
Verse 2:
All we are and all we have
我們全人 我們所有
is all a gift from God that we receive
brought to life, we open up our eyes
的一切, 開啟我們眼睛
to see the majesty and glory of the King
來看見 君王的榮耀和尊貴
even the rocks cry out even the heavens shout
甚至石頭出聲 諸天也要宣揚
at the sound of His Holy Name
so let every voice sing out and let every knee bow down
萬民要頌揚 萬膝要跪拜
He is worthy of all our praise
祂配得我們所有讚 美