


2008年的福音音樂金鴿獎(Dove Awards)頒獎典禮上, Amy Grant & Michael W. Smith 再度同台獻上這首25年前他們一同創作的詩歌,取材自詩篇119篇的thy Word, 留下歷史性的敬拜畫面, 神的話是我腳前的燈,是路上的光!



Thy Word

(本版本由原詞曲作者演唱 )


Words and Music by Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith


E              B            E          A      B      E

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. 

E              B            E          A      B      E

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. 


(Verse 1)

B             F#m

When I feel afraid,

C#m                G#m

think I've lost my way,

A             B             A   E

still you're there right beside me.

     B             F#m

And nothing will I fear

   C#m             G#m

as long as you are near.

 A         B     C#sus   C#

Please be near me to the end.



(Verse 2)

B            F#m

I will not forget

     C#m             G#m

your love for me and yet

    A       B        A    E

my heart forever is wandering.

 B           F#m

Jesus be my guide,

    C#m             G#m

and hold me to your side,

A       B      C#sus  C#

I will love you to the end.



 B             F#m     C#m             G#m

Nothing will I fear as long as you are near.

 A         B     C#sus  C#

Please be near me to the end.

 E             B            E          A      B      E

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

 E             B            E          A      B     Esus  E

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path,

       A      B     Esus  E

and a light unto my path.

            A      B      E

You're the light unto my path.



1984 Meadowgreen Music (ASCAP)(a div. of EMI Christian Music Publishing)

Bug And Bear Music (ASCAP)Exc. Admin. by LCS Music Group, Inc. (6301 N. O'Conner Blvd., Irving, TX 75039)

All rights reserved. International copyright secured.  Used by permission

CCLI #14301

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