目前分類:當代福音音樂 (28)

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10,000 Reasons  by Matt Redman 


10,000 REASONS (Bless The Lord) 

by Jonas Myrin & Matt Redman



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提姆修 /HAPPY DAY」英國倫敦現場敬拜(dvd介紹)



英國敬拜音樂領袖 提姆修年度現場大碟讓敬拜旋風再度席捲全球


敬拜特會英國倫敦氣勢登場 4首新歌+8首最精選敬拜讚美創作熱力呈現

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Yes! Jesus ....."Mighty To Save" by Michael W. Smith

Let's keep Christ in Christmas!


Everyone needs compassion

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Love!  Christ Tomlin+原住民的現場敬拜(Live


Filmed live in Los Angeles, Chris Tomlin shares the stage with the amazing Watoto Children's Choir for the song "Love", from his latest album Hello Love.

這是在洛杉磯的現場,Chrsit Tomlin和Watoto原住民小朋友詩班的敬拜,真神奇!原住民的歌聲和弦總是那麼巧妙地可以和屬天敬拜融合,(聽起來好像現代的配器反而是多餘的了!)因為Yahoo不支援flash, 所以凡請移駕天空的羊耳朵,辛苦啦!

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小記: Benny Hinn在8/15晚台灣林口的聚會上看著旗幟上他的名字,問曾國生弟兄(全福會兼大會負責人)說:"能把上面的字眼換一換嗎?因為Benny Hinn不會帶來醫治,不會帶來盼望,我們來換個有盼望的字句,不如就換上詩篇103篇2-3節吧!"




2004年曾有恩典參與過一次Benny Hinn洛杉磯阿纳罕的聚會,我印象最深刻的是幾萬人聚會現場卻十分安靜,在安靜的聖靈水流中敬拜,聖靈恩膏流動在會場....許多人病得醫治,榮耀歸給耶穌!

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 Everlasting永在的神 by SONICFLOOd (為緬甸風災四川震災祈禱)


每次災難頻傳的新聞畫面訊息傳來,總讓我們忍不住困惑: “神啊!祢怎能容許這樣的事情發生?” 總是真實考驗我們的信心 洪水泛濫之時、耶和華坐為王‧耶和華坐為王、直到永遠。

我們仍要宣告: 祂仍掌權! 祂仍掌權!

將這首歌, 獻給所有在心裡為緬甸風災,四川震災哀哭祈禱, 以及那些以實際行動給予幫助的人們, 願神親自安慰, 親自扶持, 以祂大能的膀臂…..

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2008福音音樂金鴿獎得獎名單39th Annual GMA Dove Awards Winners


頒獎典禮片段實況:(3分鐘剪輯精華 眾星雲集....)




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2008最新福音音樂金鴿獎入圍名單39th Annual GMA Dove Awards(Nominees)

Songwriter of the Year        

Nominess to be announced prior to the 39th Annual GMA Dove Awards


Song of the Year

"Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)"; Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, Traditional; sixsteps music (ASCAP), worshiptogether.com Songs (ASCAP)

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The 50tth Grammy Award第50屆葛萊美獎福音類得獎名單


年度葛萊美獎公佈了!除了大家習慣上聽到的流行搖滾歌曲,福音類得主少在台灣媒體上披露, 這次漂亮黑人阿姨組成的The Clark Sisters團體一口氣拿下3座Grammy, 包括最佳福音演唱Best Gospel Performance(Blessed and Highly Favored)以及最佳傳統福音專輯Best Traditional Gospel Album (Live - One Last Time)還有最佳福音歌曲Best Gospel Song,(songwriters award) - Blessed and Highly Favored神真的要使用婦女大軍囉!


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The Byrds伯茲合唱團1965年冠軍曲"Turn! Turn! Turn!(To Everything There Is A Season)"





Artist: The Byrds
Song: Turn! Turn! Turn! (to Everything There Is a Season)

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Jason Upton: Teach Me How to Pray 教我如何禱告,現場敬拜MV






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Words by Joseph M. Scriven
Music by Charles C. Converse

John 15:13

What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!

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Brenton Brwon 班頓布朗/ Everlasting God 不朽的神



收錄13首最受歡迎的創作 讓您接觸最新且最深的敬拜

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Passion Everything Glorious (Live)


福音搖滾新世代  超強爆炸性恩膏 敬拜新水流 

Passion 062006年一月在納許維爾(Nashville)Gaylord Arena聚集一萬八千年輕人現場敬拜的錄音紀實。如今Passion不單單是一次的活動,更成為一個對耶穌燃燒熱情的運動!

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Amy Grant*福音天后超強最新精選+影音雙碟專輯(2007)

 Greatest Hits (W/Dvd) (Spec) [SPECIAL EDITION] 


艾美葛蘭特/ 19首歷年經典歌曲全紀錄  CD+DVD 精裝限量特別版

Amy Grant House of Love Video訪談:

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剛頒完獎名單如下,有空再翻譯給大家,先睹為快喔 !

38th Annual GMA Dove Awards - Recipients

Song of the Year "My Savior My God"; Aaron Shust; Bridge Building, Whitespot Publishing
Songwriter of the Year Aaron Shust
Male Vocalist of the Year Chris Tomlin
Female Vocalist of the Year Natalie Grant
Group of the Year Casting Crowns
Artist of the Year Chris Tomlin
New Artist of the Year Aaron Shust
Producer of the Year Ed Cash
Rap/Hip Hop Recorded Song of the Year “Never Look Away”; Behind The Musik (a boy named jonah); KJ-52 featuring Brynn Sanchez; John Sorrentino, Aaron Sprinkle; BEC Recordings
Rock Recorded Song of the Year “Breathe Into Me”; End Of Silence; Red; Jasen Rauch, Anthony Armstrong, Rob Graves, Jason McArthur; Essential Records
Rock/Contemporary Recorded Song of the Year “Me And Jesus”; We Can’t Stand Sitting Down; Stellar Kart; Adam Agee, Ian Eskelin; Word Records
Pop/Contemporary Recorded Song of the Year “Praise You In This Storm”; Lifesong; Casting Crowns; Mark Hall, Bernie Herms, Beach Street Records, Reunion Records
Inspirational Recorded Song of the Year "Find Your Wings”; The Line Between The Two; Mark Harris; Mark Harris, Tony Wood; INO Records
Southern Gospel Recorded Song of the Year “Give It Away”; Give It Away; Gaither Vocal Band; Gloria Gaither, Benjamin Gaither; Gaither Music Group
Bluegrass Recorded Song of the Year “My Cross”; Flyin’ High; Lewis Family; Wayne Haun; Vine Records
Country Recorded Song of the Year “Jonah, Job And Moses”; Front Row Seats; Oak Ridge Boys; Tia Sillers, Bill Anderson; Spring Hill Music
Urban Recorded Song of the Year “Imagine Me”; Hero; Kirk Franklin; Kirk Franklin; Fo Yo Soul, Zomba Gospel
Traditional Gospel Recorded Song of the Year “Can’t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus”; Blur The Lines; The Crabb Family; Andraé Crouch; Clear Cool Music
Contemporary Gospel Recorded Song of the Year “Turn It Around”; Alive In South Africa; Israel & New Breed; Israel Houghton, Aaron Lindsey; Integrity Gospel
Worship Song of the Year “Holy Is The Lord”; Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio; worshiptogether.com Songs, sixsteps Music (ASCAP)
Rap/Hip Hop Album of the Year Remixed; KJ-52; KJ-52, Aaron Sprinkle, Joseph A. Kisselburgh, Funky DJ Pablo; BEC Recordings
Rock Album of the Year DecembeRadio; DecembeRadio; Scotty Wilbanks; Slanted Records
Rock/Contemporary Album of the Year Good Monsters; Jars Of Clay; Dan Haseltine, Steve Mason, Charlie Lowell, Matt Odmark; Essential Records
Pop/Contemporary Album of the Year See The Morning; Chris Tomlin; Ed Cash; Sparrow Records, sixsteps Records
Inspirational Album of the Year Bless The Broken Road: The Duets Album; Selah; Jason Kyle, Allan Hall, Todd Smith; Curb Records
Southern Gospel Album of the Year Give It Away; Gaither Vocal Band; Bill Gaither, Michael Sykes, Marshall Hall, Guy Penrod, Wes Hampton; Gaither Music Group
Bluegrass Album of the Year Flyin’ High; Lewis Family; Wayne Haun; Kevin Ward; Mountain Home
Country Album of the Year Precious Memories; Alan Jackson; Keith Stegall; Arista Records
Urban Album of the Year This Is Me; Kierra Kiki Sheard; Fred Jerkins III, Warryn Campbell, J. Drew Sheard, Tommy Sims, PAJAM, PJ Morton, Antonio Neal, Dwayne Wright, Avriele Crandle, Fred Jerkins IV; EMI Gospel
Traditional Gospel Album of the Year Mighty Wind; Andraé Crouch; Andraé Crouch, Luther “Mano” Hanes; Verity Records
Contemporary Gospel Album of the Year It’s Not Over; Karen Clark Sheard; Otto Price, Israel Houghton, Aaron Lindsey, Karen Clark Sheard, PAJAM, John Orew Sheard; Word Records
Instrumental Album of the Year End Of The Spear Soundtrack; Ronald Owen, Howell Gibbens, Matt Cody, David Mullen, Jamie Moore, Steven Curtis Chapman, Brown Bannister, Otto Price; Word Records
Children's Music Album of the Year VeggieTales Worship Songs; Phil Vischer, Mike Nawrocki, Lisa Vischer, Matt Redman; Steven V. Taylor; Big Idea Records
Spanish Language Album of the Year Si Alguna Vez; Alejandra; Alex Orozco; Integrity Music Latin
Special Event Album of the Year Passion: Everything Glorious; Chris Tomlin, Christy Nockels, Kristian Stanfill, Charlie Hall, Matt Redman, David Crowder*Band; Nathan Nockels; sixstepsrecords, Sparrow Records
Christmas Album of the Year Christmas Offerings; Third Day; Mac Powell, Tai Anderson, Brad Avery, David Carr, Mark Lee, Don McCollister; Essential Records
Praise & Worship Album of the Year See The Morning; Chris Tomlin; Ed Cash; Sparrow Records, sixstepsrecords
Musical of the Year Everything Glorious; Travis Cottrell; Sue C. Smith, David Moffitt, Travis Cottrell; Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing
Youth/Children's Musical of the Year A King Is Coming To Town; Geron Davis, Sue C. Smith, Craig Adams; Brentwood Kids Music Club; Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing
Choral Collection of the Year I’m Amazed; Carol Cymbala; Carol Cymbala; Brooklyn Tabernacle Music, Word Music
Recorded Music Packaging of the Year Beyond Measure (Jeremy Camp);Invisible Creature; Ryan Clark; Jeremy Cowart; BEC Recordings
Short Form Music Video of the Year "Work"; Jars Of Clay; Monica Ortiz; Jeff Stephenson; Wild Spirit Native Soul; Essential Records
Long Form Music Video of the Year

Time Again...Amy Grant Live; Amy Grant; Ken Carpenter, Rod Carpenter; Ken Carpenter; Franklin Films; Word Records


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David Crowder Band /A Collision大衛高德樂團*火力足超勁爆搖滾樂團 


看過Passion特會現場的朋友,對David Crowder Band 一定不陌生! 留著山羊鬍子的David,吉他的炫技背後,有著對耶穌的狂愛!

DCB是現在美國樂壇最受矚目的團體,他們的創作也極受年輕朋友的喜愛 ,在許多的合輯當中也多有收錄DCB的作品。這個以主唱David Crowder所命名的團體組成經過非常有趣,時間往前推到1996年,這幾個還在Baylor University唸書的大男孩發現當地教會彼此之間缺乏聯繫與互動的風氣 ,為了改善這樣的情況,他們協助成立了一間新的教會-University Baptist Church,而這些喜愛音樂的大男孩也順理成章的成為教會中的敬拜團 ,敬拜主領以及主要創作者就是David Crowder。他創作的詩歌內容以闡述上帝的美好與樂意親近我們為主 ,加上感染力十足的音樂,逐漸吸引許多年輕人一起敬拜 ,其他教會也慢慢開始唱他們的歌曲,後來更傳到唱片公司高層的耳中 。於是這個年輕團隊在與唱片公司簽約後,在1998年發行第一張專輯,終於把他們的音樂推展到全美國每個角落!

1998年至今,DCB發行了6張專輯,這一張「A Collision」專輯堪稱是歷年來作品中的最優秀專輯。這張長達73分鐘的音樂主軸恰如專輯名稱Collision所代表,當我們的罪性碰撞上帝的神性時,上帝的救贖與永不止息的恩 典成就我們生命美麗的結果。整稱專輯也集結了不同的音樂元素彼此碰 撞,分成4個部分表達,每一個部分都用不同的音樂元素敬拜神,有流行、搖滾 、鄉村、黑人靈歌以及民謠曲風,音樂性之豐富讓人驚嘆連連 、目不暇給。


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Recollection:The Best of Nichole Nordeman妮可諾德曼精選集*

2007 Nichole Nordeman發了一張新曲+精選,象徵她的音樂走進一個新分界點的紀錄旅程!

這位金鴿獎「最佳女歌手」「最佳詩歌創作」得主 這次精選收錄15首福音排行榜TOP 20單曲 + 2首睽違3年的全新單曲,今日基督教雜誌以4顆半星超高評價

Nichole Nordeman ,這位外型清秀亮麗,歌聲清麗悠揚如 Cindy MorganSarah McLachlan的福音女歌手,1998年出版首張專輯「Wide Eyed」就銷售超過十萬張,不僅登上Billboard現代福音專輯榜第16名,也贏得了全美福音音樂的最大榮譽金鴿獎音樂獎「最佳新人」 ,接著2000年的第二張專輯「The Mystery」更進一步贏得金鴿獎音樂獎「最佳女歌手」大獎的肯定。Nichole不僅演唱功力備受肯定,她藉著女性細膩的觀察力、對文字的敏銳度與 靈活的用字遣詞,在創作歌詞上也獲得2003年金鴿獎音樂獎「年度最佳歌詞創作者」的殊榮。

1998年至今將近10年的時間,雖然妮可只發表過4張專輯,卻是每張都屢創佳績,也為她贏得9座金鴿獎。這次推出的「Recollection The Best Of Nichole Nordeman」中15首精選歌曲都由妮可親自挑選,讓歌迷可以一次收集妮可風格的歌曲 ,柔雅麗緻的鋼琴伴奏配上妮可天使般優美的歌聲,連心靈都會輕聲嘆 息!另外,也收錄了2首妮可睽違3年的新作,其中『 Finally Free』歌詞敘述如何勝過令人心碎的憂傷與持續不斷仰望神的恩典 ,也被選為2007Women of Faith年會主題曲。對於這位努力兼顧家庭與事業的女歌手而言 ,每次的精選都代表生命中的另一項里程碑,每一首歌曲都帶有上帝極 大的憐憫與永不止息的恩典。這是一場妮可諾德嫚的 精采回顧音樂旅程!

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Tim Hughes提姆修  Holding Nothing Back


2001年以一首"Here I am to Worship"樹立起新一代敬拜典範的提姆修,持續的創作力和對神的熱愛教人咋舌,2004年挾著「最佳新人獎」的炫風繼續創作了Beautiful One,英美教會的年輕人喜歡彈唱他的歌,除詞曲展現了絕佳親和力外,Tim總是以單純而令人動容的詞曲傳遞耶穌的愛,且易唱好學,是受歡迎的重要關鍵。

今日基督教音樂(Christian Music Today)形容這張專輯是「提姆修目前為止最有力的一批作品,敢宣告同時是搖滾及敬拜音樂的代表作!」


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Matt Redman最新專輯/Beautiful news破碎世界好消息2007/4台灣全新發行 

線上收聽最新歌曲  錄音室版  Shine




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