(小記: 找了半天,找不著粵語版的影音敬拜,就貼這個示範吉他版吧!看看那位好心的廣東香港朋友們有沒有感動放上來,提供一下囉!)
Lord You Are Always Here With Me
主祢永遠與我同在(粵語版譯詞: 筲箕灣浸信會)
G D/F#
When troubles come I trust in You
每次困惱 我靠 緊祢
Em Bm/D
For I know You will lead me through
深知主 定領我 走過
C G/B Am D
And I know You are faithful till the end
因主的信實會 達永遠
G D/F#
And when the storms are drawing near
與祢一起 我不 驚怕
Em Bm/D
When I’m with You I don’t have to fear
即使當風暴向我 迫近
C B/G Em F#m F#m/Eb B
You’re my shepherd on whom I can depend
因主擔當我牧者 為我所依
Em C D
Through the day, through the night
不管晚 與清早
I know You’re always by my side
是我主 永 遠 居身邊
G D/F#
Lord You are always here with me
有祢於身 邊每時刻
Em C
There is no changing God in Thee
是祢的倚 靠 不變更
G/B C D A D D/F#
You are the same yesterday and today and forever more
祢昨日到 這日到 那日 永遠不 改變
G D/F#
Here on Your promises I stand
靠祢的應 許我成長
Em C
You hold my future in Your hand
在祢手中 有我前路
Am D G
My solid rock, Almighty God, I worship You
我主可靠 如盤石穩固 我 敬奉祢
引用: http://diary.showhappy.net/?id=176288&page=51
主與我同在 曲:Bo & Elsa Jarpehag 詞:古丹青
碰到挫折我靠緊祢 深知主導引我經過
縱會碰見暴雨風雪 祢帶領我沒半點驚怕
主的竿引導我 唯我所依
漆黑裡 每天中 是我主祢在我身邊